Believe it or not, while I'm not posting excessive YouTube clips,
obsessively checking Red Sox rumors, and committing petty thievery, I do, in fact, write plays. Yeah, EMWI's description isn't a complete lie. (The Patriot thing depends on your definition of that term, although I'm not really putting that down ironically either.)
And I found out today that my third full-length,
For You, is going to be my second produced play, as part of the
Manhattan Repertory Theatre's WinterFest. We've got three shows in a theater with, gasp, an actual working lightboard, February 7th, 8th, and 9th, otherwise known as that time of year when you'll have absolutely nothing better to do other than freezing your asses off. (And at the rate this "winter" is coming in, there'll be nothing but cold, cold February rain.) So yeah, that's the news. I'm too busy
in a celebratory dance to "Rydeen" for the rest of the day to post anything more today.